Mr. Surabuddin has years of experience in IT industry and has been instrumental in building several successful IT businesses. His aim is to Serve customers to make their lives better. He understands the specific requirements of businesses and provide solutions to clients as per their need.
Our focus is to create an enterprise that brings value to the consumers through responsive and relentless delivery of the right solutions to our clients. Being specialists in our field, we will always provide best service and products to our clients.
Our Mission is to provide state-of- the-art IT Solutions with robust technology products and services to meet the complex requirements of large business enterprises in a flexible, responsive, and consistent manner aligned with the long-term objective of mutual growth..
CEO & Founder
SkyNet Computer deals in almost any computer component, or peripheral that you would need. We provide all kind of IT service which helps you to run your company IT infrastructure boundlessly.
15m 49 Dr Akpal Road Kolkata 700034
+91 96146 63718